On June 28, 2024, just before I blended with Spirit, I was requested to have Spirit talk about the word PEACE. I had no forethought about this word or time to think about it. I simply relaxed and allowed Spirit to speak. It took about seven minutes to blend my Soul, my aura, with Spirit and then the Guides spoke through me for about six minutes in trance saying this word for word, unedited. It is a very important message for all of us, especially during these difficult, changing times.


"To discover PEACE,

you must be willing to go within the silence
and the stillness of the heart
to connect with the love of God within you

to listen,
to be still,
to be quiet,
to settle down,
and connect with your Soul.

We wish you to find PEACE on the earth,
but first you must find it within your heart.

So many struggle day-to-day
frustrated with the outside world

trying to control another
to live according to their desires
thinking that this will bring about PEACE,

but it will not.

But, until man learns how to go within,
as we have said,

to connect with the heart,
to detach from the outside world,

and to come at one within himself
feeling the love of God for himself
and bringing that love to others,

he will not find the PEACE,
which he says he wants,
in the world

and this is the great struggle of your time

learning about the PEACE of God within

for it is not by changing the outside world
or controlling another
that this is accomplished,

but until man discovers this for himself,
he cannot see this untruth.

But, there are those of you who do understand,
who do realize the importance of what we are saying

and we encourage you to share this truth with others
and to help them find their way
to create opportunities, groups we shall say,

where they can connect in PEACE
and love and harmony for one another
and find the joy that this brings

and then more will decide and desire
to create more of this.

So, little by little, share what you know
and create opportunities for PEACE,
love, harmony, and unity with others

and you will find by doing so,
the more that you do so,
others will join you
as they weary from the outside world

and this we shall say will become a Movement
the PEACE MOVEMENT upon your world.

So, do not become impatient or angry
with those who are taking some time in learning
or who are not ready,

but to continue on with love and PEACE in your heart
knowing that you are showing the way
and it is through your way
that others shall learn

for the PEACE that you extend to them
will be received by them on some level
and it will assist their growth and healing

and this yearning for PEACE will continue to grow
as the unrest also grows along with it.

There will be a cry for PEACE,
a work towards PEACE on earth,

and with that we leave you in PEACE.

God bless your Soul."

Copyright Gayle Kirk 2024

NOTE: Discover and deepen the PEACE within you! Join our PEACE CIRCLE.


On June 14, 2024, my voice as the Guides spoke in trance through me was calmer, quieter, softer, gentler, wiser, and more compassionate and inspiring than it typically sounds when I speak as myself. Their words flowed easily and effortlessly from me.

The Guide's wisdom, way of speaking, and vocabulary used was different than mine and beyond what my ego mind could have said with or without any preparation or thinking about the word FREEDOM on my part beforehand. It was very beautiful. I could feel their presence and them overshadowing me as their words came through me in trance.

Just before I went into trance, I was asked to allow the Guides to speak about FREEDOM. Here is what my Guides said through me word for word unedited about the word FREEDOM after about one minute of blending with Spirit. They spoke for six minutes.


"The sound of Freedom
is the call of your Soul
calling you back Home

for it is back Home
that you will find the Peace that you are seeking
and the Love that never ends.

Allow this yearning in your heart
to guide your way,
to lead you out of the nooks and crannies in life,

to restore your Soul,
and to lead you on your way

to more magnificent vistas,
sparkling rivers,
and pastures of green meadows

for in this loveliness,
from whence you have come,

so shall you return
in the not to distant future.

So, do not carry the burdens of life while you are here,
but know that there is more in store for you to come

and so we shall lead you on your Path
to the Freedom that each one seeks,

which as we have said, is a Homecoming within,
a rejoining, a remembering of one with their Maker

and oh, want a glorious moment that shall be!

You shall hear the Angels singing
and the trumpets blowing

and all those who have traveled before you
will come out to greet you,

including those from the Animal Kingdom
who have accompanied your way

for they too wish to be remembered
and are not forgotten

and so, Little One,
as we guide you upon your journey today,

remember this Oneness
you carry within you

for it is a part of you
and can never be extinguished.

The Light,
the lamp of your Soul within you,
continues to shine brightly
illuminating the way

so that others
may too find their Path
and their direction Home

and Home you shall return.
It is promised to thee.
Of this, have no doubt.

The Freedom you seek
lies within you.

It is a remembering
of whence you have come
and where you shall return.

So, spend time in the quiet
connecting and communicating with your Soul,

the God Self within,
that wishes to be remembered,

that wishes to carry you throughout your day,
and to show you the way.

Know that you can trust it.
Know that you are safe with it
and know that you are endlessly loved by it.

So, take the time that we suggest of thee
to come into atonement with the Creator within

and there you shall find
the Freedom that you seek,
the Freedom from strife,
from pain and struggle and suffering in life

for in the oneness you shall suffer no more

and with that, we bid you good day."

Copyright Gayle Kirk 2024


Just before I went into trance on June 28, 2024, my Guides were asked to speak about the word TRUST, This is the beautiful message my Guides said through me word for word unedited about the word TRUST.


"Allow us
to take you by the hand

and lead you
through the Garden of Life

for as you follow us,
we will not forsake you.

We have so much to show you
and tell you

and we wish you to draw close,
nearer to our heart,

so that we may speak to you,
guide you,

love you,
and caress you deeply.

But, we can only do so
if you will allow us

and that requires TRUST,
a deeper surrendering,

as you blend your heart with ours
as you are willing to step forward
in faith and trust

into the unknown,
that magical, mystical, wondrous part of life,
that leads you forward.

You will only be given
what you can handle
at any given moment

and when the pressure becomes so great
that you feel you cannot take anymore,

call us close to you
and allow us to come close

and know that we are with you

and have always been with you
and will continue to be with you

for all the days of your life.

We wish to show you
more of yourself to you
to discover who you are.

So, take us by the hand
and allow us to lead you

to the place called Home
which no one truly leaves,

but some have merely forgotten
and which we wish to return you to.

So, TRUST us evermore as we go forward on this journey in life

and know that we will love and guide you
every step of the way

and of this you can have no doubt."

Copyright Gayle Kirk 2024

Here is a poem I trance channeled from Spirit on July 10, 2023. It is unedited and is written word for word as Spirit spoke it through me.


"Come to us with your worries and cares
and we shall give comfort to thee.

Feel not downtrodden in your efforts on the journey of life.
Rest your head on the pillow and allow us to comfort thee
until the wee hours of the morning have come.

Make no haste about the day rushing to and fro
as you attempt to get things done for the list never ends

and as you wander and wonder on your journey in life,
know that we are here with thee
bringing comfort in your time of need.

As you trust a little more and allow all things to come unto you,
you will find greater Joy and Peace from the Spirit within.

As you struggle and strive less about your day,
you will find the Way has been made for you

and you are merely to look, to listen,
and to follow the Path that has been placed before you

and if you but allow us to guide you
ever more slightly upon the Path as you walk it,
you will discover greater treasures within

and know that the Sun does not rest,
but continues to illuminate for all to see.

It is but a journey each one must make
one step at a time,
one foot in front of the other.

So, take our hand and we shall lead you.
Feel our hearts beat as one
and when you doubt and are worried,

make time to go within
and we shall meet you there
in the Peace and solitude of your Soul

for there are great things that await you that you know not of
and we shall rejoice together in their becoming.

So, go little one. Enjoy your day.
Skip and laugh and have some fun for life is beautiful!

It is the discovery each step of the way."

Copyright 2023 Gayle Kirk

"My TRANCE CHANNELED PRIVATE READING with Gayle was simply life-transforming. Not only did it bring immediate relief to my mind and body, but it also put together for the first time the various pieces of the puzzles of my life into a coherent, peace-bringing whole.

Everything that I was told resonated deeply with me as the truth, even if I had not understood that until now. More specifically, I finally could understand the cause and purpose of the most significant and painful issue I have long had to struggle with and was finally given the remedy for resolving it.

My Private Reading with Spirit as channeled through Gayle is one of the most important hours of my entire life. I am sending you the recording and I am happy to give you my permission to post it on your website. Many thanks again for a wonderful session! Life-changing! I look forward to seeing you again. Warmest best." - F.M.

Watch this unedited video of F.M.'s actual Private Reading. Shared with his kind permission.

Take notes on some of the practical ways Spirit recommends in the video that can help you to connect with your Soul and Spirit.

Practice the easy meditation Spirit teaches in this video or use a meditation that works for you to keep aligned with your Soul.

When the remote healing from Spirit is shared with Franco, invite your Soul and Spirit to help you with healing as well.

Sincerely ask to receive whatever is for your highest and best on your Soul's journey.

Open your heart to receive love, peace, guidance, and healing physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

Give thanks knowing your prayers and requests have been heard. Spirit's support has been given to you and will continue to come.



This is an unedited recording of an actual Trance Channeled Private Reading with me. Many thanks to my client for allowing me to share this beautiful, empowering experience. I know the questions, guidance, and experiences shared will benefit you also.

I went into this reading with this person, without the intention of sharing it. We were only recording it for him to have for his own personal use only. I do not allow sharing of readings with me by my clients.

As we were talking after the Private Reading, I was inspired by Spirit to ask my client if he would be alright with me allowing others to see and hear our session together. I was so happy when he agreed.

Many thanks to this special person for allowing me to share their beautiful experience so others may benefit and for helping others to learn what a Trance Channeled Private Reading with me can be like when the client is ready and wanting emotional healing. I know it will be so helpful to others. The guidance he received and the experiences he shared are applicable to so many.

You too can get support, ask questions, and receive trance channeled guidance and healing from Spirit about your life for personal growth, spiritual development, emotional healing, and possibly to connect with loved ones and pets in Heaven.

What happens in a reading depends on me, Spirit, and your receptivity, your questions, your willingness to participate, and your energy at the time of the session.

Of course, each session with Spirit and me is unique. No promises are made because every experience with Spirit is an experiment.

You will likely have a positive experience if you participate with a loving heart, open mind, patience, a willingness to listen, share, grow, heal, take responsibility for your life, and a sincere desire to move forward with greater love, joy, peace, power, prosperity, health, and well-being as your Soul.

I believe we are all here to step into our power with love by being examples for others of how they too can overcome the challenges within themselves.

I know this session will help others who are wanting to move forward in their life so they too can assist others in love and with healing on their Soul's Journey which is what life is all about.

We are all here to be love, express love, heal, and to serve others. I hope this video will help you for the person you are today and who you are becoming as a Divine Master.

Spirit and I would be happy to help you in a PRIVATE READING over the telephone or Zoom as well.

Spirit and I look forward to speaking with you.



"Today I had a very emotional TRANCE CHANNELED PRIVATE READING.

It's amazing to hear Spirit tell you things so clearly and straight forward.

My session with Gayle brought several issues up that are totally relevant to my life and have helped me know my next moves both emotionally and spiritually.

Gayle is very non-threatening and comfortable to work with as well. Thank you, Gayle." - Susan Page-Thompson

See video of Susan's actual Private Trance Channeled Reading. Shared with her kind permission.



This is an unedited recording of an actual Trance Channeled Private Reading with me. Many thanks to my client for allowing me to share this beautiful, empowering experience. I know the questions, guidance, and experiences shared will benefit you also.

I asked Spirit how I could let more people learn about my spiritual work and actually experience a reading with me and the Guides.

About a month ago, Spirit told me to ask a client if they were comfortable with me sharing their personal video of their Zoom Private Reading.

I have never met this woman getting the reading and I knew nothing about her.

I went into this reading with this person, without the intention of sharing it. We were only recording it for her to have for her own personal use only. I do not allow sharing of readings with me by my clients. I had never shared a Zoom Private Reading before this.

As we were talking after the reading, I was inspired by Spirit to ask my client if she would be alright with me allowing others to see and hear our reading together. I was so happy when she agreed.

Many thanks to this special person for allowing me to share their beautiful experience so others may benefit and for helping others to learn what a Trance Channeled Psychic Reading with me is like. I know it will be so helpful to others. The guidance she received and the experiences she shared are applicable to so many.

You too can get support, ask questions, and receive trance channeled guidance and healing from Spirit about your life for personal growth, spiritual development, emotional healing, and possibly to connect with loved ones and pets in Heaven.

What happens in a reading depends on me, Spirit, and your receptivity, your questions, your willingness to participate, and your energy at the time of the session.

Of course, each session with Spirit and me is unique. No promises are made because every experience with Spirit is an experiment.

You will likely have a positive experience if you participate with a loving heart, open mind, patience, a willingness to listen, share, grow, heal, take responsibility for your life, and a sincere desire to move forward with greater love, joy, peace, power, prosperity, health, and well-being as your Soul.

Spirit and I would be happy to help you in a PRIVATE READING over the telephone or Zoom as well.

Spirit and I look forward to speaking with you.



"My TRANCE CHANNELED PRIVATE READING with Gayle was both loving and life affirming.

I was especially pleased to hear of some Past Lives that are relevant to this lifetime now.

I now feel more equipped to deal with the circumstances surrounding my son which until now weighed heavily on my heart.

Thank you Gayle and your Guides." - Doreen K.

See the Past Lives portion only of Doreen's actual Private Reading on the video. Shared with her kind permission.



I gave a Trance Channeled Private Reading to a woman online whom I had never met before and knew nothing about. During the reading, her parents in Heaven briefly came through and then the Guides spoke to her about her life and then she asked personal questions and had a conversation with them.

She discussed a challenge in having her 37 year old son still living with her and her husband. Because he had a car accident years ago and was heavily on medication, the adult son felt he could not work. It was very difficult on everyone. He was dependent, yet expressing a lot of anger, frustration, disrespect, and was ungrateful towards his parents.

The Guides gave her guidance about it and discussed the situation with her. With about 10 minutes left in the reading, the Guides asked if she would like to hear about a past life.

She said yes and they proceeded to tell the woman how many, many years ago, she had carried this son on her back in a sack like a backpack while he looked about as she walked begging for food for the two of them. She did this from his birth until he was 5 years old because he was crippled and could not walk on his own.

During that life, there was no place and no way to care for physically challenged children. There were no institutions, churches, orphanages, or adoption agencies where she lived so long ago.

The woman would not leave her son to die so she carried him in a sack on her back for 5 years because he could not walk and had no one else to care for him. She walked from place to place and begged for food for the two of them. Often, if there was not enough to eat, she would gave him her food and go without eating. Her son grew bigger and became heavier as she carried him on her back. Finally, she could physically carry him no more.

Weak and exhausted, she held her son close to her heart with all the love she could give him and prayed to God asking Spirit to overtake them both. Shortly thereafter, God carried them both to the Spirit World together where they found love, peace, comfort, and good health again.

It was sad, yet beautiful, powerful, profound, and life-changing for the client.

After I finished the reading, my client and I discussed how she had cared for her son out of great love and a mother's strong devotion. It was admirable, but in this life, she was caring for and essentially "carrying" her 37 year old son because a part of her still believed he could not survive without her. That was true in the past life, but it was not true in this life.

The Guides said her son came into this life to learn self-love, self-esteem, and independence. She came into this life to learn not to enable his false belief in himself and not to allow him to totally depend on her in this life. She could help him get started on his independent journey, but not depend on her for the rest of her life because he was capable of doing more for himself, but he was avoiding doing so.

We both agreed that it was incredible how our past life experiences and relationships with others may create false beliefs, and misunderstandings that we take into this current life to learn from and heal. By examining our past lives, we can have greater awareness, healing, and self-empowerment in all areas of our life!

It amazes me how powerful the healing often is when the Guides share past life experiences with someone. Their life story is unique, but the situations are often very similar to many people. I love when the Guides help people in this way.

This is an unedited recording of the Past Lives portion only of an actual Trance Channeled Private Reading with me. Many thanks to my client for allowing me to share this beautiful, empowering experience. I know the questions, guidance, and experiences shared will benefit you also.

I have never met this woman getting the reading and I knew nothing about her.

I went into this reading with this person, without the intention of sharing it. We were only recording it for her to have for her own personal use only. I do not allow sharing of readings with me by my clients. I had never shared a Zoom Private Reading before this.

As we were talking after the reading, I was inspired by Spirit to ask my client if she would be alright with me allowing others to see and hear the Past Lives portion only of our Private Reading together. I was so happy when she agreed.

Many thanks to this special person for allowing me to share their beautiful experience so others may benefit and for helping others. I know it will be so helpful to others. The guidance she received and the experiences she shared are applicable to so many.

You too can get support, ask questions, and receive trance channeled guidance and healing from Spirit about your life for personal growth, spiritual development, emotional healing, and possibly to connect with loved ones and pets in Heaven.

What happens in a reading depends on me, Spirit, and your receptivity, your questions, your willingness to participate, and your energy at the time of the session.

Of course, each session with Spirit and me is unique. No promises are made because every experience with Spirit is an experiment.

You will likely have a positive experience if you participate with a loving heart, open mind, patience, a willingness to listen, share, grow, heal, take responsibility for your life, and a sincere desire to move forward with greater love, joy, peace, power, prosperity, health, and well-being as your Soul.

Spirit and I would be happy to help you in a PRIVATE READING over the telephone or Zoom as well.

Spirit and I look forward to speaking with you.





"And how are you enjoying your life so far?

Is it all you wish and hope it to be
or is there more you wish to discover
within and without (in the outer world)?

Do you know the fullness of who you are?
Do you know the greatness from which you come?

Do you know the Peace that resides within you
and do you know the Love within your heart?

We wish you to know all these things and more.
We wish you to walk upon the earth with a lightness in your step
and joy in your heart
with a sense of gratitude
and forgiveness.

Know that you do not walk alone.
We are not the only ones with you,
but there are thousands
upon thousands
that join you.

So many wish to walk the same steps that you are walking.

See this life as a Gift.

Take time to explore each nook and cranny.
Breathe life into all you say and do.

Do not hold back,
but always take one step further
into the greatness of who you are

and little by little, you will come to discover
the fullness of Being,
the lightness of Joy,
and the Peace and Love
within your own heart.

So, do not waste time,
but begin now

to know
who you are,
why you have come,
and where you are going.

Take the hand of those behind you
and lead them along the way
and help them to discover

how great they art
in the eyes of God.

There is a stream, a current of Life, if you will,
a consciousness,
that vibrates around and within you
and moves through all things.

If you will take time to discover it
and to connect with it,
it will lead you on your way."

Copyright 2023 Gayle Kirk



"Connect with the Sun Light and Start Dust within you.
All that exists lies within you
and is waiting to be revealed.

Sons and daughters of God,
did we not say that
you are the unique fingerprint of the Creator?

Let there be no doubt,
for in the history of the world,
there has never been one just like you,
nor will there ever be.

You matter and contribute to the whole.

Shine brightly!
Love greatly!
Forgive completely!

Remember the magnificence that you are!

Have no doubt in your abilities to create Heaven on Earth.

Let no wind blow you down.
Stand for the Goodness and Rightness of all.

There will be a time that comes,
in the not too distant future,
when your God Self (Higher Self or Soul) will be called.

Be willing to think, speak, and act with Love.

Call upon Us (God, the Angels, and his Spirit Helpers)
for we will assist you.

Yes, there is a Divine Plan unfolding before you.
It is here and now and has always been.

Have no doubt in the Love that is within you
and express it freely and abundantly
for it will be replenished and has no end.

Go now in Peace
and heed the Call of your Maker
when the bell has rung.

We rejoice in this time of Awakening
when suffering shall be no more!

Lord, hear our prayers.
Your sons and daughters call upon you
like the bird in the night
seeking to rejoin its mother.

Believe in the Goodness and Power of Love

and it will shine upon you
in the day and in the night.

Have no fear.

Keep close to God
and keep your Lamp (faith and trust in a Higher Power) burning.

It will serve you in the days ahead."

Copyright 2023 Gayle Kirk




Click on this audio recording for POWER OF PRAYER to enjoy an inspiring trance channeled conversation with Spirit.

The Guides were asked about THE POWER OF PRAYER.

Here is their conversation with someone (Sitter).

Guides - You may go ahead, please.

Sitter - Right. Could I ask for your opinion on the Power of Prayer, please.

Guides - The Power of Prayer. With regards to what may we ask?

Sitter - Generally and in all forms of Prayer. Just what is your understanding of it?

Guides - Prayer is a summoning of energy, a focus. It is intention in a heightened way, in a way of request from the Divine, asking for intercession in a particular cause or person, for usually a particular outcome, including merely the Highest and best for all.

It is usually asking on the behalf of Self or others for God and those that assist, to be a part of things, to give their love and their support and energies in assisting the person or the situation to have the best outcome, to find peace and comfort, to be supported along the journey.

But, of course, all of these things are already happening.

It (Prayer) often is more necessary for the person who is asking for they wish to feel as if they have some added assistance to leave their worries and fears, but it is not necessary to ask for the Highest and best for all because, of course, the Universe is already providing.

God and the Intercessaries are already helping and there is a Divine Plan, but it can often bring comfort to those that are in distress or those that are ailing to ask for help

for in doing so, it releases them from their worries and their fears. It takes the ego out of the way. It allows for the surrender of the ego to the Divine and a coming together of the Higher Self with the love and peace within.

So, it is a turning over of the matter to Spirit and no longer, at least for a time, allowing the worries of the personality, the ego, to be so bothersome.

We would encourage those who can to increase their faith and trust in knowing all is happing for the Highest and best for all and to realize there is a Divine Plan

and that those who come in (as a Soul to live on Earth) are doing so of their own choosing and they have chosen their life situations and (Life) Plans ahead of time for the purpose of their Soul's growth.

So that prayer can then be used in its more Highest form which is one where, instead of begging or requesting some service or assistance, that more faith can be given to knowing this is already true and instead speaking as such in faith.

For example, saying, 'Thank you, Lord. Thank you, God, for helping me and my mother, or whomever may be of concern, in this time of need.

We know that you are aware of this situation and aware of all things and we take time to connect with you for the guidance, and love, and peace, and direction, and clarity within knowing that you are helping, that you are aware of the situation, and the Angels and your Messengers are assisting in this moment.'

Can you see the difference?

Sitter - Yes, I can. Yes, Thank you.

Guides - And there should also be a feeling that is quite different as well.

One (form of Prayer) is more pleading as if it is uncertain and more fearful still. It feels more victimized.

The other (Prayer) feels more empowered.

Sitter - Yes. Bless you, friend. Thank you so much.

Guides - Excuse us?

Sitter - I beg your pardon. I was just saying thank you. That was all.

Guides - May we continue?

Sitter - Please do. I'm sorry to have interrupted you.

Guides - No problem. We are also saying that by speaking in this Higher form of Prayer we will call it,

Sitter - Yes.

Guides - this knowingness instills a greater belief and faith and trust within the Self and those that it is spoken to or on behalf of who cannot find the words for within themselves

for it is also quite beneficial to speak on the behalf of others and to others who cannot do so for themselves,

but when you are speaking in this Higher, empowered way, you are in a sense helping the Divine as well as participating.

You are not merely waiting and requesting, but you are visualizing the outcome.

You are understanding that the Highest and best is on its way and is happening even now

and that you are more of a Divine Assistance, we shall call it,

rather than the beggar, the one who pleads, who is coming from a fearful place. You understand?

Sitter - Yes. Yes.

Guides - So, even if it is for the Self, it is good practice to, even in your daily ways, even if there is no great concern, to speak these Truths to your Self, to remind your Self,

not to follow the fearful thoughts of the ego, but to stay detached and separate, to live as your Soul intended to do so prior to coming and speaking these Truths out loud or within the Self so that it keeps you detached and empowered.

You can say things such as, 'Thank you (whatever term you use for the Creator) for providing for our needs,' even when there is no need to ask for.

'Thank you for guiding me,' even when there is no significant need you are worried about.

'Thank you for your guidance,' rather than, 'Please guide us. I am so worried.' You understand.

Sitter - I do.

Guides - And it is by living a life in Prayer, a life of Prayer-full attitude, in this Higher form, that you will see that you are more of a Co-Creator at its best and finest and highest as your Soul in this life

for you will be calling forth the positive, empowered energies within you and around you to help you create life as you wish to live it,

rather than trying to clean up any messes. You understand?

Sitter - I do. Bless you. Yes. Thank you.

Guides - And so, if you are understanding, we would ask you to share this.

Sitter - Yes, I will share that.

Guides - For we think that you would be a wonderful Prayer Facilitator for others who may wish to come together in a group, which you can pray for on behalf of the group, not necessarily knowing the ins and outs of each person's life,

Sitter - No.

Guides - but, more, saying the Prayer out loud so it can be understood from a more general point of view and more personalized when the person who is listening goes home and thinks about those that they love and about their own life.

Sitter - Yes. I already do that. Yes. Thank you.

Guides - For even though some may realize how to do this, they are often feeling disempowered in times of stress

Sitter - Yes.

Guides - and it emboldens (strengthens) them and buoys (uplifts) them to have someone who is a bit more, they feel, connected or confident praying on their behalf.

Sitter - Thank you so very much. You have answered beautifully for me. I thank you so much. I'm very grateful for your words this evening.

Guides - Well, you know all of this already, my dear.

Sitter - I beg your pardon?

Guides - You know all of this already.

Sitter - Yes, I know, but I just wanted to hear what you had to say. I thought it would be interesting and it has been. Thank you.

Guides - Do not hesitate to call upon us.

Sitter - Thank you very much. God bless you.

Guides - Are you complete?

Sitter - Yes. Thank you.

Copyright 2023 Gayle Kirk



After the Guides gave the Trance Channeled Message below, they spoke for another 4 minutes in which they provided an unexpected, very brief mediumship Mini-Reading to someone in the group from his mother in Heaven. You can watch it in this video.

Here is what Spirit had to say in today's message.

"Do you remember when you were a little child and you had a deep trust in the unknown, a deep trust in something greater than yourself, an awareness of something larger than who you are?

This is what we have come to share with you and seek to expand within you, this trust, this knowing, this guidance within.

Seek to connect with this throughout your day. Listen for it to illuminate you. Make time to connect with the peace within you. The more you can trust and the more you can surrender, the deeper your awareness of the connection will be.

It is a privilege to be this far on your journey having the understanding that you are more than your physical body.

You are a Light among Lights who are on Earth at this time to bring Illumination.

Do not be discouraged if there are others who do not understand or cannot see your way, but continue, as you do for Trance (Development) in maintaining a connection within. It is a conscious choice. It is learning to overcome the emotions of the ego, that seek to keep you trapped in life, and learning to rise above it like the cream in the coffee.

You will know this connection by how good it feels, the peace, the love, the stillness within.

Over time, as you connect with this (connection with your Soul and Spirit within you) throughout your day, more and more, you will discover that this is the way you wish to live your life, not just in these moments that you are in class or 20 minutes here and there, but more consciously throughout your life in every moment.

The less that you fight against the struggle within, the more you stay detached, the more you are connected out of choice and growth, knowing how to make this connection within, seeking to have us (your Soul and Spirit) guide your life, seeking for it to bring you peace and being a source of peace to others, the better you will feel.

It will be as if you are a stone skipping across the water. You will feel lighter and freer. You will not feel so heavy and weighted down and disturbed and troubled.

Notice what you give your attention to. If it (whatever you are focusing on) is pulling you down, you have a choice and we recommend that you do not give it your time and attention longer than is necessary.

Over time, there will be others that seek to know your way for they will begin to realize there is a better way. You will be a contrast for them in how you think and feel and live your life. You are here to remind them that they too have a choice."

Copyright 2023 Gayle Kirk

At that point, the Guides spoke for another 4 minutes in which they gave an unexpected, very brief mediumship Mini-Reading to someone in the group from his mother in Heaven. He was most appreciative and said it was very helpful and healing for him. You may watch it here on this video.



The Guides first gave me a sentence that sounded like the start of a beautiful poem that had the deep love, passion, and devotion of a person to the Divine. It had such a powerful, descriptive nature to it, I got a little nervous and broke the connection. I didn't know if it was going to be risque or not. I didn't think it would be that way. It seemed like an artistic way of expressing human love, passion, and devotion for the Divine.

I wish now I would have stayed in trance and found out what else the Guides wanted to say. It was such a beautiful sentence, but I got nervous. It was so different than what I normally channel.

If I had been alone and received these words, I would have written them down, stayed with the connection, waited for more words to come, and written the additional words down. It is a learning process. I will trust more. Next time, if I hear something as beautiful and passionate as this, I will speak it.

I said the devotional sentence out loud as myself to the group. Here is what the Guides said.

"How can you not make love to the Divine when the sweetness feels so good and ripe upon your skin?"

I then relaxed again and after a few minutes of silence while I blended my Soul with Spirit, the Guides spoke again. This time it was a different energy than the first Guide who spoke. It was also different than the way the Guides usually sounded in their female, assertive, Russian sounding accent of who I believe to be Anastasia speaking for the group of Guides working with me.

This time it felt masculine, gentle, soft, and was spoken in more of my voice, but with the Guides' words, cadence, ways of speaking, and their knowledge. It still had a poetic quality which I love. Here is what they said.


"Good day.

(At 4:38 minutes) In the hour whence the rain has come, feel the beauty of thy breath.

Little by little ye shall know Me and discover I AM a part of you for we knew each other so long ago when ye were just a babe upon this journey and yet we have not forgotten thee, nor forsaken thee.

We have watched you in the hours and in the darkness of night. We have heard your cries. We have seen your joy and pain.

We wish to remind you of your Holiness, the Light within you that wishes to shine forth.

It is in the stillness that ye shall most easily recognize us. We wish to commune with you. There is much to say.

We wish to speak with each and every one of you.

So, fear not, but know there is a Plan, a purpose for all life. As was said in the beginning, no one shall be left unattended no matter how long the journey may be.

Each one has a Guide looking out for him or her, caring for him or her, calling to him or her, and wishing to be heard.

We wish to help your planet and all those upon it. We will do what we can to help you along the way.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you."

Copyright 2023 Gayle Kirk



I believe that the Guides words and energy are given with an intentional healing energy and are sometimes spoken softly and slowly with long pauses of silence so that it puts the listener in a somewhat altered state of consciousness, a more relaxed way of being, and in their intuitive mind so they can allow what is said to be absorbed and to put their ego at rest so they do not resist what is said with their logical mind.

I am finding that sometimes Spirit is giving a bit of a story for the listener to follow along with as they speak that creates an unexpected guided meditation within the message for the listener to be lulled by to create an allowing, a relaxing, a softening, so they can receive the guidance, information, and healing from Spirit.

Here is what Spirit had to say in today's message.

(There is a long silent pause before Spirit begins speaking.)

"The energy is quite beautiful when you are still. Is it not?

(There is another long silent pause.)

And yet so many avoid this. What are they afraid of? The emotions, the thoughts that rise to the surface, the ones that they spend their daytime trying not to hear and see?

Yes, these will rise within you from time to time, but it is not necessary to avoid the silence and stillness of your Soul for it wishes to speak with you, to help you, and to assist you on your journey.

Do you not want our (Spirit's) help?

Do you prefer to rush about and do it all by yourself?

Do you enjoy the struggle of your life?

For there are easier ways we tell you, but we wait for you to come to us willing to sit still and to listen, to connect with your heart, and to hear what we have come to share with you.

We wish to help you live a better life, to not grow old and weary before your time has come (to transition to Spirit), to get the most out of living, to find the joy and beauty in things, to find the calm and peace within yourself, and the Love that knows no bounds.

Yes, this is what we come to share with you if you will but make time for us. So, do not be afraid to make time, to sit still once in a while, to listen, and to ask questions for we desire to help you with all our heart.

For as you know, most who are living are not living. They are merely surviving and this is no life to live.

You have a choice on how you live!

This is what we wish to share with you.

Would you not rather float down on the stream of life feeling the sun on your face, enjoying the ride, looking at the scenery from time to time, dreaming your dreams, stopping to rest, taking a swim, sitting on the shore, cooking a meal, sitting by a campfire, looking at the stars, and going to sleep with pleasant dreams?

As you relax, as you listen to the guidance within you, it will show you the ways. It (your inner guidance) will teach you. It will inspire you. It will encourage you and it will lift you up if you have fallen down.

So, do not be afraid to come close for we wish to embrace you, to give you our love and support, to wipe the tear from your face, the dirt, to help you stand up, take a breath, and continue on.

Thank you.

Thank you."

Copyright 2023 Gayle Kirk



My Guides gave this beautiful message today as I trance channeled them in our weekly online Trance Speaking Practice Group. I feel the message is relevant and helpful for all of us.

I appreciate the soft, gentle way the Guides have of speaking through me sometimes. It feels very peaceful, loving, comforting, trustworthy, patient, protective, and wise. I can feel that Spirit has our highest and best interests in mind.

When I trance channel, my voice may sometimes speak softly as the Guides present themselves with deep peacefulness and gentleness. Their soft way of speaking is intentional. It is to help soothe and calm us.

When we are studying trance or learning we have Spirit Guides, we may tend to revere them or put them on a pedestal above ourselves. If we think we aren't enough, we may sometimes think that if we speak as the Guides in trance, we will be enough. I feel the Guides were trying to address these things in the talk they gave.

Spirit wants us to remember that we too are important. We are (good) enough. Our Soul is required as part of this journey together with Spirit in life. It is a Spiritual Partnership between us and them.

When the Guides temporarily stop speaking and take a long silent pause, I can feel they are sending healing energy to me and to those listening. They are giving us time to sit in the love and peace of our Soul and Spirit.

They want us to take time during their talk to contemplate what has been said before we rush ahead in our busy lives. I'm glad they give us that quiet, still, peaceful time that we may not take for ourselves very often. The silent pause is to remember to take that quiet, still time for ourselves because it is important and will help us on our journey in life.

When channeling, in whatever form it may be, it feels so good to come together with the love, peace, wisdom, healing, and blessings of our Soul and Spirit. It is refreshment, comfort, upliftment, guidance, and messages for helping us to live our best lives in partnership with our Soul and Spirit.


"Do not forget how important you are to this process (of channeling and living life connected with your Soul and Spirit) for it is like a dance where we meet in the middle. Neither is more important than the other. We require you and you require us and together, if you will have us, we shall move forward in life.

There will be times that you struggle and you can lean on us. We will do our best to hold you up. We delight in your courage, your unique expression, and who you have come here to become.

Do not think it (channeling and living life connected with your Soul and Spirit) is all one sided and that you are a puppet or not important or it is all about the Guides.

We require you and you require us and each will be stronger and better, similarly to a good marriage, when we work together, when we bring love and patience to the relationship, when we share how we are feeling, express our desires, our sincere concerns, and when we seek to help the other.

Yes, it (the relationship between your Soul and your Guides) is very much like a marriage or a very good partnership. So, allow us close. Feel our heart beating within your heart, allow us to become one, and, together, we shall move forward.

We will help you climb the highest mountain, to cross the deepest streams, and to love with all your heart.

If you will but take our (your Soul and Spirit's) hand and allow us to guide you, allow us to show you the way, to lead the dance, to help you to know that you have come here to love, and to reconnect with the Soul inside of you, you shall be living a life well lived.

(long silent pause)

Thank you.

(long silent pause)

Good day."

Thank you."

Copyright 2023 Gayle Kirk



"Sometimes, we (Spirit) will not give you the first words (to speak in trance) because we are wanting you to trust more. If we tell you too much before you speak (in trance), you will rely on this and need to begin to develop your trust more. It is an important part of the process, deepening the faith and trust within yourself, the connection with Spirit within you, and the connection with the Divine.

(Trance) Speaking is merely only one aspect of connecting. There are many ways to connect. Yes, as you have already mentioned, you are also connecting (with your Soul and Spirit) in your sleep. You (your Soul) travel(s) to other places (when you are sleeping at night). You enjoy many experiences. You look at things from different points of view and bring back with you new experiences.

Although your awakened mind (when not sleeping) does not remember much of the evening as you are asleep, much is going on. Much is happening within you and your Soul is quite busy (when you are sleeping). It (the guidance and wisdom you receive during sleep) sort of filters down into you in terms of what you need to know and your processing of it in your awakened state. You may not remember or realize it (the guidance and wisdom) is coming to you from your Higher Self in your sleep time experiences, but in fact many things come to you in this way.

We (your Soul and Spirit) inspire you with ideas. We give you an opportunity to try things out, if you will. You reconnect with those who are like-minded who enjoy things that you also enjoy and you work out healing.

Yes, sleep is an important part of your journey. Do not underestimate the power of sleep for much is getting done during this state. Not only is the body resting and repairing itself, as well as the mind, but the Soul within you is free to explore, to reconnect, to travel, and to meet up with us (your Soul and those in Spirit) in an unencumbered way.

We delight in your sleep time travels for often we can explain more to you from a Soul Level and you do not resist things quite so much. We wish you to bring them (the guidance, wisdom, and experiences during sleep) back into your awakened state to help you in the day and in your life.

So, we would recommend a pen and pencil (and paper) by your bed stand so that in the night or in the morning, think, "What is the first thing I am remembering?" Write this down.

If you will keep your eyes closed and give yourself several moments before you need to rush out of bed and begin your day, set your alarm early if it is necessary, and write down whatever impressions you remember or that come to you in the moment. It may start as a feeling. "I am feeling a little onery or aggravated or I am happy for no reason. I am excited for the day or I feel so tired still."

(Write down) whatever it is and then ask for more to come. As you write, little by little, as you are speaking now little by little, more will come. This can be a very good way that we can speak with you in your private time. If you would like, we can help you with your life concerns. Often, the symbology in your dreams will be quite helpful. So, write these things down.

You may not remember exactly what happened or understand the meaning of things right away, but in time, over the course of time, more will be shared with you and you will begin to see how you are being assisted from the Other Side by your own Soul and Spirit.

Is this not wonderful news?

You can work and get things done without having to put so much energy and effort to it!

So, do give yourself time in the morning to go within. Notice how you are feeling. Reconnect with your Soul in an awakened way.
Then we would ask you to slowly and gently open your eyes while still maintaining this connection (with your Soul and Spirit) within you.

Have a soft focus in your eyes as you look about your room. Do not even attempt to get out of bed yet.
Notice the stillness within you, the Peace of God within you.

Then gently, quietly, slowly place your feet on the floor and stand up and again connect with this Peace within you.

Slowly, gently walk out of the room with this Peace within you.

Go down the hall to make your breakfast, to pet the cat, to feed the dog, to make a cup of coffee, and connect with this Peace within you.

If you will do this little by little throughout the day, you will feel the Peace within you.

(Spirit stops speaking and takes a long pause for peaceful silence.)

Can you feel it (Peace) now as we give pause to this time of speaking?!

This is our little bedtime story for you and we wish you pleasant dreams. We will meet you on the "Other Side" as you describe it, but really it (Peace and our connection with our Soul and Spirit) is only a thought, a mere shift in consciousness away.

You can connect with us in your awakened state, by merely choosing and intending to do so.
Peace is available to you now through a shift in consciousness.

We invite more of you to choose Peace and Peace you shall have.

Now, go in Peace.

Thank you."

Copyright 2023 Gayle Kirk



The Guides had this to say when they spoke through me while I was in trance. I feel it is helpful for all of us.

"It takes awhile for us to help you settle down. You go about your day quite busy never seeming to find enough time in the day to get all you wish to get done, done. By the time you sit down to be with us, you are quite exhausted many of you.

Would it not be easier to go about your day in a more blended and tranquil way for when you are doing it (living) more by yourself so to speak, you are fighting the current of life. It is as if you are going upstream fighting the current.

We wish you to invite us along with you so that you can enjoy a more pleasant ride for we will help you navigate. You may lie back and take a nap if you wish at times and feel the sun on your face and the gentle rocking of the boat.

Try not to do everything by yourself so much. Turn things over and allow us to help you. Take our hand. This is so much more of a pleasant way. When you are traversing in this way, you are not so focused on trying to get things done. You are relaxed more and enjoying the process (of living). In fact, you are not caring as much if you get it all done for it feels so good.

So, allow us to help you. Know that we await your hand to invite us to come forward and we will do what we can to help you along the way. This process of blending and being in partnership with Spirit is not for these (trance speaking) development exercises alone, but are practice for everyday living.

Thank you."

Copyright 2023 Gayle Kirk



Spirit had this to say when they spoke through me while I was in trance. Enjoy!

"When you are in trance,
you are connecting with the greater, larger part of you.

Do not think of us
(God-force, Universe, Your Soul or Higher Self, Ascended Masters, Spirit Guides, Angels, Spirit, Loved Ones and Pets in Heaven, Light Beings, Space Brothers and Sisters)
as something separate.

Think of us as an extension of yourself
for that is what we truly are.

If you know you are always connected (to Spirit),
you do not have so much trouble trying to make the connection.
You see what we are saying?

You are already connected!

You are just recognizing a greater awareness of this fact
and allowing more expression of Spirit through you,
but it is not something you turn on and you turn off.

It (your connection with your Soul and Spirit) always is.

It (Spirit) is who you were before you were born.
It is who you are in your heart of hearts.
It is who you are when you leave the body.

Do not make it (the connection with your Soul and Spirit) so difficult on yourself.

Recognize the wisdom that is within you
and the love that you are a part of,
for this is who we are as well.
We (those in Spirit) are no different from you.

What you are really doing, if we can restate this, is
you are recognizing the Truth of who you are,
for you are already Spirit!
You are coming to a greater awareness of that
within you.

Your Spirit can express itself in many ways.

It can speak as it is doing in this time.
It can play the violin or make a beautiful picture.
It (your Spirit) may go for a walk and observe nature.
It may hold and rock a baby, pet your cat, or talk on the phone with a neighbor.

It is the state of awareness that you are doing these things with
that bring you to a Higher vibration,
a greater Self-awareness
of who you truly are!

So, we would say these exercises that you are doing
help you to get to know who you are
and who you are is Spirit and as Spirit, you are connected to all of us.

This connection is already within you
and it is who you already are.
Can you understand?

So, do not make it so difficult, but instead, rather think,
'I wish to get to know myself on a very deep level.
I wish to get to know the Greater Part of myself
that is connected to the Universe.'

As you do these things,
greater awareness will you have.
Greater opportunities will unfold for you
and greater Joy you will have in living your daily life.

So, go about each day remembering your Spirit.

Celebrate this!

Listen very carefully to the guidance within,
for it will show you in every moment how to proceed and
it will give you the Love that you desire so much in your heart.

Do not think of yourself as separate.

Do not think of us as apart from you,
but remember

we are one!"

Copyright 2023 Gayle Kirk



"Take time to remember as you go about your day that you are Spirit.

Yes, you are also many other roles that you are playing at this time,
but more than that,

You are Spirit!

and what do we mean by 'Spirit'? We mean that

You are Eternal.
You are Everlasting.
You are Love.
You are Peace.
You are Strength.
You are Wisdom.
You are Forgiveness.
You are Patience.

For this is the journey we wish you to remember
and if you will connect with the Spirit within you,
no words will be mis-spoken.
No actions will be wrong.

'Be as little children'
you have been told and this is true
for little children are quite happy, most of the time.

They are hopeful.
They are creative and inspired.
They are positive.
They are playful
and they wish to see Life as an adventure

and this is how we wish you to live your life
no matter the age that you are.

So, allow this joyful Spirit of your Inner Child to come forth,
to express his or herself,
to realize the fullness of who you are,
and to skip along on your journey in Life.

Your children are so full of Unconditional Love
and we wish you to reconnect with this (Unconditional Love) within yourself also

to be tender,
to say when you are sorry,
to easily forgive,
to hold
and want to be held

for Life is most precious.
This journey moves by very swiftly
and we wish you to get the most out of it.

So, even more than connecting with us, your Guides,
we wish you to connect with your Inner Child, the

Powerful part of you

that is often hiding and fearful and waiting to come out.

So, invite this (Inner) Child into your life.

Help it to feel safe
and nurture it's potentials
and love it dearly

for this (Inner) Child is you in the making

and this Child wishes to be remembered along the way.

This (Inner) Child will love you dearly.

This Child loves you
and knows you more closely
than anyone you will ever meet.

Allow this Child into your heart.

Hold it close
and tell this (Inner) Child you love it
with all your heart

for this Child is a Child of God

with whom He is most pleased."

Copyright 2022 Gayle Kirk





THE EVP SPIRIT VOICES/SOUNDS ARE AT 1:17, 3:09, 3:27 (YES!), 4:03, 4:05 (YES!), 4:25, 4:27, 5:08 (YES!), 5:11, and 5:28 to 5:30

"You have crossed many mountains. You have traversed many seas. You have gone through the thick of the forest to get where you are today and we applaud all of you for sticking with this and for striving and continuing on.

For as you know, there are not many who will travel in the dark, not certain of where they are going, little bit afraid, being vulnerable, stepping forward in faith and trust, hoping and wanting for more, believing it can be so, and wishing with all their heart to know more.

We hope that you have enjoyed the journey so far. We hope it has wet your appetite for more.

Some of you will continue on in this way. Others will take what you have learned and move in another direction and this is all right for each of you have a different journey to take and we will be with you guiding and supporting you.

We never leave your side. You may become unaware of us, but we are always here so all you need to do is call upon us.

Make time to be still in your heart.

Listen for the impressions, the feelings, the thoughts, the synchronicities in your life for they will be coming aplenty, particularly now that you have opened yourself up even more to receiving and knowing Life.

And we shall say to you that as you go forward, discovering more of The Secrets of Life, you will begin to realize that those around you are walking in a fog as it were unaware, unwilling even at times, to look at themselves, and to explore something new.

Do not judge these who do not understand or are not where you are, but love them with all your heart. Send them tender thoughts and words. Help them when they fall down and remind them of their greatness.

For as you get to know the Light within you, you become the Light Bearer for others for you are the intermediaries between we, your Guides, and those that are still here awakening.

So you too are Guides on the Earth Plane helping those who are struggling, who are fearful, who are doubting, hurting, who are wanting a better life.

And those that are ready, you can share what you are learning and encourage them and others, you pray for them and send them your love.

But, do not feel that we have left you now that the class is over for we have always been with you and we will continue to be there for you.

So, invite us into your home, your heart. Make time for us and allow us to nurture this relationship so it may blossom, so it may grow, and it may become the fullest expression of who you came here to be -

A Light among Lights

and know this is an important journey you are making!

And with that, we bid you adieu."

Copyright 2022 Gayle Kirk



Upon playing this video from our trance speaking practice group last night on October 27, 2022, I discovered a very faint REAL Spirit Orb!

Watch for the orb appearing at shoulder height on the RIGHT of the screen moving to the LEFT towards me.

Enlarge your screen to see it easier.

Cute little Spirit Orb!

Thanks, Spirit Guides for making your presence known to us.

Copyright 2022 Gayle Kirk



As part of our online trance speaking development class last night, we were given the exercise to allow as many people and Guides in Spirit to speak through us that wanted to do so.

There were 14 different people that came through. So fascinating! I believe 13 of the Spirits speaking were "deceased" people now in the Spirit world and 1 was my Guides.

I have had people's loved ones in Heaven speak through me to the client before, but this was new. I never gave Spirit the opportunity to have as many people in Heaven speak through me that wanted to do so.

It was amazing and fun to do! I felt like I was taking on different personalities of the people as they spoke and learning little bits about their life, interests, and things they liked. I enjoyed it and would like to do this more.

Thanks, Spirit Guides for making your presence known to us.

Copyright 2022 Gayle Kirk



"Do not worry as you go forward in life. Begin to trust that you are being guided. You are being supported and you are being loved along the way.

Take time to get still within your own heart. Turn your attention away from the outside world.

Do not carry these (worldly concerns) with you in your inner sanctuary, but rather, connect with the Peace within you for this Peace will act like a lantern in the night. It will lead you. It will guide you. It will serve as your stead and strength.

You must get ever closer to this Light. This Peace within you.

There are so many journeys being played out in this time in your world. Many of them do not even reflect where you need to put your focus, your time, and attention.

So, we would say be quite selective in how you view the world and how much attention you give it.

If another's troubles cross your path, you may assist them, but

you cannot live your life while watching what all the others are doing with theirs.

So, narrow your focus. Be selective. Be discerning and when you are uncertain of the Truth and the way to go,

we recommend that you go within

and this is what you are here to teach the others

for many will be distressed and crying and upset and uncertain as to how to go forward and who to believe.

But, the answers for the Truth are within your own heart.

Thank you for coming."

Copyright 2022 Gayle Kirk



"Before you have any thoughts for the day, intentionally set forth a positive one and build upon that prior to even leaving your bed.

We would say do this two or three times, if necessary, building one positive thought after another and the more that you can do this, the more readily it will come.

For how you start the day is most important and often dictates how you will enjoy the rest of the day.

So, set the intention to think positive, to speak positive, to be positive, and you will live positively a positive life.

Make no mistakes about it. You are the Creator in your own Creation and through your will, guided by the Divine Will, you will begin to receive all the many blessings that are waiting to be bestowed upon you."

Copyright 2022 Gayle Kirk




Upon playing this video from our trance speaking class on October 20, 2022, I discovered 2 EVP Spirit Voices/Sounds!

EVP - Electronic Voice Phenomena - When Spirit imprints their voice and other sounds on an electronic recording.

Usually, the voices and sounds are inaudible during the recording and are only heard upon replay which is what happened here.

I did not hear the Spirit Voices/Sounds when I was in trance speaking.

Thanks, Spirit Guides for making your presence known to us.



"Begin wherever you. Do not try to rush the process.

If you are watching a toddler walk, do you insist that he run? No, you do not. You encourage him little by little and if he falls down, you help him to get back up. You show a smile on your face. You maybe hold his hand. You help him around the furniture and you open your arms with love.

This is what we (Spirit) are doing for you. Yes, we know you wish to run, but you must take it step by step, little by little, one foot in front of the other, one step at a time, and before you know it, you will be running.

But, the point is not to run for it is to enjoy the journey. For as you go forward, little by little, you are discovering more of who you are. You are connecting deeper with Spirit, with Guides, and the love that is within you.

You are learning to depend on this connection not merely so you can give a talk, but so you can walk in life knowing that you are guided and supported with a new sense of who you are, a new sense of confidence, and a new peace about you for you know you not walk alone and you know you are never alone.

In fact, we would say to be quiet, to be still, and try not to speak it all sometimes, but to hold the connection within yourself to feel the power, and the love, the deepening of peace within you, the sense of oneness all around you. Sometimes, no words are needed to be said. No running is necessary.

Deepen your connection in the stillness and the quiet within yourself for this is the most important connection you will ever make.

This is the connection we seek to help all of you find within yourself.

When people meet you, they do not remember so much what you say, but how you make them feel or how they feel around you we shall say.

Connect with this Peace within you and hold this vibration when you are with others. As you listen very still to what it is they are saying, allowing them time and space to be heard, allowing for quiet reflection, you will find they stop talking and begin to feel what you are feeling.

This is how you help heal others. It is a gentle soothing of their Soul.

So, be 'Ambassadors For Peace' for this is what your world needs, less talking.

Thank you."

Copyright 2022 Gayle Kirk



"You are learning how to balance the heart with the mind, how to learn to be more still within the Self, connected to Source, and riding the wave of life as it brings you up and down. There is a need for detachment, self-awareness so that you may struggle less in life.

Imagine you are a surfer on a surfboard riding the waves of life anticipating a bit, also staying quite focused, and enjoying the ride.

If you can, go about your day with less panic, less attention in the material world, always observing as the Higher Self, including yourself in the observation, noticing when you come out of balance, when you are a bit too excitable or starting to become more fearful, more nervous, or more depressed, noticing what is happening, and how you are thinking.

Then as if it is similar to your car with your foot on the gas, you can choose to lift the pedal or press it down.

You are always monitoring and moderating your life experience. You are learning to live from the heart more and less from the intellectual mind and allowing the ego to be of service to your Soul, not the other way around.

For too long, man has allowed the ego to rule him. He is finally Awakening and we are here to help see him through it. As you Awaken, you discover that much of the pain and suffering that you have gone through has been unnecessary. It has been self-created and has also been an illusion.

You are learning so much at this time, it can be a bit overwhelming. Be sure you get the rest and proper nutrition that you need. Have a bit of fun along the way. Find those that you can share the journey with who will support you. Go into the sunshine and into nature. Do some writing if that helps you and commune with us, your Guides, for we wish to help you along the way.

As you Awaken, you will realize that life does not need to be suffered. It is meant to be lived in joy, and peace, and harmony with your brother and sister. As you experience life more in this way, be sure and tell the others so that they too can Awaken.

We want so much to help you, but we also are limited in how much we can do. We guide you, we love you, and we assist you to be the best that you can be, but we cannot do it for you.

This is why you are here - to learn to live your life in a new and different way.

Do not curse the struggle, but rejoice in your Awakening!"

Copyright 2022 Gayle Kirk



"The Beginning of Tomorrow can only come today, but if you focus on it too strenuously, you'll just get in your way!

The Beginning of Tomorrow is actually today. It is where your power lies for tomorrow never comes. Don't be disappointed for today is all you have and yet if you focus in the moment, today is quite enough. In fact, it is plenty!

It will keep you busy beyond your wildest dreams as you focus on the good, the things to appreciate, the things to be thankful for, your dreams, your hopes, your wishes, your plans, and how you can take a step, just one simple step, in that direction today for as we have said, tomorrow never comes for even in tomorrow, it will be today.

So many have a hard time understanding this concept and spend most of their life living for tomorrow, but if they will just focus on what is in front of them with appreciation as we have mentioned and joy and a sense of peace about it, they will discover the richness of life!

It takes a slowing down, a noticeable slowing down, and a quieting of the Spirit within and in the happenings around you to become aware of the magic and beauty of life.

As you do these things, you will discover greater joy and peace for living. Your life will no longer be burdensome to you and others will say, 'What pills are you popping? What are you doing? May I have some of it, please?'

If you tell them the Truth, that you are focusing only on today, which is the Beginning of Tomorrow for tomorrow never comes, they will discount it. They will say, 'It is too easy. It cannot be true,' and if you say, 'Have you tried it?', they will say, 'Yes, once or twice, but it did not work for me.'

But, you will know the Secret and so keep living in this way. Keep enjoying your life and those that are ready will notice and want to hear more. Encourage them. Remind them it is worth pursuing and this is the gold that enriches life, not the money in the bank, for true gold is appreciation for what you have and happiness in where you are going.

Notice how there is movement and energy and lifeforce, if you will, moving in, through, and about you in every moment. It is consciousness itself. It is alive. It is intelligent and it supports all things.

If you will connect with this by slowing down and tuning into your intuition and your heart and your feelings, you will be guided as to what to say and do in each and every moment of the day. You do not need to stress and strain about tomorrow for as we have said, tomorrow never comes.

So, for true satisfaction in life, listen with ears of a rabbit, see with eyes of an eagle, and feel deeply with your heart. You will come to know the Peace That Passeth All Understanding. You will know the Light from which all Light shines and that is within.

If you go there now, we will meet you and encourage you, protect, and guide you for you are most precious to us and with that, we wish you a most blessed day."

Copyright 2022 Gayle Kirk




During this trance speaking class, a classmate saw this BLUE SPIRIT LIGHT to MY lower right behind the beige pillow.

There was NOTHING in the room this bright blue color except for this!

The form and color appear so solid even though they are light!

I so appreciate her taking a photo of the BLUE SPIRIT LIGHT on her computer screen with her cell phone which see was able to see and sending it to me.

I often see a smaller bright blue light in my outer vision with my eyes open about 10 feet away to my right. When I turn to look directly at the blue light, I cannot see it anymore.

I also sometimes see a small bright blue light when I close my eyes to meditate.

I feel this photo shows the same BLUE SPIRIT LIGHT seen more objectively in the outer world.

I believe Spirit was showing themselves to us so we can truly trust and know that Spirit is with us and to share it so you will know that Spirit is with you also.

So coooool! I love this stuff!










At 2:30 am, I woke up because I heard the Voice of Spirit in my head.

The message I heard was said with great importance and such love.

It had the feeling of Truth.

I believe the message from Spirit is for all of us.

As you listen to the message, use whatever word for "God" or the "God-force" that is comfortable for you.

I heard this message word for word. It sounded like it was part of a lecture in Spirit.


I woke up from a powerful dream of ascending to Heaven with these words coming to me which I wrote down. It is a message for all of us.





In this 2013 RADIO INTERVIEW below,

Learn how I was speaking to my Spirit Guide at age 7.

Learn how I got started on this path.

Age 13 - Speaking to Spirit using the Ouija Board.

Dreams and signs from my brother in Heaven.

Learn how your Spirit Team loves, guides, and supports you.

Learn what a reading with me is like and so much more!



Listen to Gayle On the Radio

May 5, 2019 - NBR FM RADIO Interview Gayle Kirk Channel Medium and Psychic with Host Chris.

Learn what a reading with Gayle is like and so much more!

Listen to Gayle On the Radio

At age 7, Gayle was speaking to her Spirit Guides.

Learn how she got started.

Age 13 - Speaking to Spirit using the Ouija Board.

Dreams and signs from her brother in Heaven.

Learn about your spiritual team that's loving, guiding, and supporting you.

Learn what a reading with Gayle is like and so much more!

Listen to Interview with Gayle On the Radio 9/15/17

Enjoy this inspiring and deep conversation about:

Psychicism, mediumship, and channeling abilities and the future.

Living as our Soul now.

Gayle's brother's passing.

Ways you can connect with your loved ones in Heaven.



"Your Time with Kim Iverson"
Live Nationally Syndicated Radio Show
Interview and Readings with Gayle Kirk, Host Kim Iverson, and callers.

IMPORTANT: REMEMBER TO USE THE BACK ARROW KEY of your computer to return to Gayle's website, when you are done listening to these.

Click here to listen or download the file.

Listen to short readings with Gayle on the radio.

Click here to listen or download the file.

Have fun listening to readings with Gayle on the radio.

Click here to listen or download the file.

Listen to Gayle on the radio as she describes her gifts, her views on predictions, spirit guides, what it's like in the afterlife, and how to connect with your loved ones in Spirit.

Click here to listen or download the file.

Gayle is interviewed on the radio. Enjoy listening to her answer the following questions: What happens to us on the Other Side? Do you ever have conversations with people on the Other Side? Do you see images of loved ones in Heaven or do they speak to you? Do you believe "bad" people stay "bad" on the Other Side? Do you believe in being haunted? Do you believe in God?

Click here to listen or download the file.

December 7, 2009 Show

Click here to listen or download the file.

January 19, 2009 Show